TAGS: Career Job Marketing Plan Perth, Australia | Executive career marketing plan WA

Building your resume
based on your job
Marketing Plan

Did you follow a definite career plan or was it something that just happened?
Sometimes we are encouraged by family members or traditions to go down a particular path
However, that may not be what we wanted to do. Writing a job marketing plan can help
you navigate the waters of changing careers. If your Resume lacks a cohesive structure / pattern,
having a job marketing plan can help you find your perfect career path.

Resume, Perth, WA, Australia

Resumes and job marketing plans

A job marketing plan is a roadmap that shows you how to get from here to there.

Integrating your Resume into a job marketing plan takes time

You need to take a good look at your Resume, what jobs did you enjoy doing, which jobs did you hate. This is important, just as it is important to understand this is not a task you do once in your life. If you are not happy where you are, doing what you are doing, a job marketing plan can help you navigate the next steps, and how to build your Resume based on transferable skills.

If you could do any job at all, what would it be? If you are already doing that - great, keep doing it. But I suspect if you landed on this page, something is not quite right and you would like to do something else.

Resumes and drem jobs

You now know what you want to be "when you grow up" so the next step is to match your current (and potential future) skill set with your ideal role. Do they match, or are there gaps that you need to fill? Take a good look at your Resume and your current strengths in your key skills and abilities section - are they close to the key selection criteria listed in your perfect Perth job?

Resume, Perth, WA, Australia

Resumes & Job Marketing Plans: Elevating strengths, eliminating weaknesses

What are you good at? What are you absolutely hopeless at doing?

The truth is, we will never remove every weakness we have, nor would we want to - especially if they play no part in what you want to do with your career. No good with car engines - it doesn't matter if you are not going for a job as a mechanic, does it. However, if your ideal job means you need to turn a weakness in your Resume and game plan into a strength then be prepared to work for it.

Pull out your Resume and look at the technical skills, you should also have a list of professional skills that apply to your career to date. Take a good look at your significant achievements in your Resume. Once you have done that get a pen and paper and write down everything you are good at, what are your achievements? And don't be modest.

Find a job that you would like to do and compare the selection criteria with your Resume. How many match?

Resumes and Soft Skills

You might be pleasantly surprised by what you find during this exercise. A lot of jobs in the Perth market today require evidence in your Resume of "soft skills"; those things we almost always take for granted.

  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Playing nicely with others (teamwork) - yes even at senior levels
  • Time and project management skills
  • etc
Resume gaps and self development plans

What you are left with are the areas you need to develop. Is it software experience or is it a particular degree or licence you need to obtain?

Armed with this information you can develop your personal job marketing plan and work through each area, as you do so, build your Resume as you go. Remember your Resume is a working document, so you need to make your Resume work for you. In completing this task, remember that there may be opportunities to get work experience while studying which will improve your chances of success in your chosen field.

Simply order a gig (pricing button below) and within 24 hours I will contact you by email or phone. We will work together to hone your CV or Resume until you are 100% satisfied. You can then opt for extra services if you need them.

TAGS: Job Marketing Plan Perth, Australia WA | Executive career plan WA

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Please complete this form if you'd like a 15 minute chat prior to making a commitment to purchase my Resume or CV Writer & Job Application services. I will contact you to confirm a precise time and date.

If your needs are urgent please contact me by phone, FB or TXT.

Why Choose Me?

Resume & CV Writing & Advice

Resume, Perth, WA, Australia I do all of the work myself (no writing outsourced overseas or over east). I have ten years experience in a Perth employment agency dealing in general and professional recruitment & Resumes, and I'm both a qualified Marketer and a digital marketer. CVs or Resumes have to market the reasons why you should be invited to an interview, and I know how to portray you in the best light.

Certification and Memberships

I am a founder-member of the UK-based CVRA, which professionally certifies and educates CV and Resume Writers worldwide. Certified Resume Writer