TAGS: Address Selection Criteria Perth, Australia Resume or CV | Job specification Resme CVs | Selection Criteria Bunbury Resume or CV | Do selection criteria Resume or CV

Addressing selection criteria in your Resume or CV and cover letter

When you are applying for any role in Perth, Australia today
you may have to answer a number of questions, or address the
selection criteria as part of your Resume & job application.

Resume, Perth, WA, Australia

Why do you need to address selection criteria in your Resume or CV and cover letter

When putting a Perth Resume or CV and cover letter together you must address the selection criteria, either within the cover letter or as a stand alone document that should be entitled "Statement Addressing the Selection Criteria". Failure to do so means you are unlikely to reach the interview stage, let alone get the job.

Selection Criteria determine if you are the right person for the job

You may need to address selection criteria as part of your cover letter, or as a separate document. The words and phrases from the essential selection criteria should also appear in your Resume or CV.

The job advertisement / applicant package will contain the key selection criteria. To be eligible, you must meet these requirements and be able to demonstrate in your Resume or CV and cover letter how you meet these selection criteria. Use examples of past work to demonstrate how you would approach the situation in the future.

Resume or CV, Perth, WA, Australia

Addressing Selection Criteria proves whether you have good written communication skills or not

You must prove on paper that you are the best person for the job. If you can't, you won't be given the opportunity of doing it in person at an interview.

Perth Selection criteria tips: Read the ad properly - it will tell you what you need to do.

If it does not ask for a separate document, then you need to address the selection criteria within the cover letter. But these keywords and phrases should also appear in your Perth Resume or CV as well. This will play a significant part in getting through Applicant Tracking Software. Without these keywords and phrases in your Perth Resume or CV as well as cover letter you will likely miss out on the interview.

Perth Selection criteria tips: Format

Statements addressing the selection criteria have their own format and it is important that you lay out the document properly. The organisation is trying to compare apples to apples.

There will usually be some guidelines given in the application package as to what length your Perth Resume or CV and cover letter needs to be along with a lot more valuable information. If the instructions say to complete the statement using no more than 4 single sided A4 pages, then make sure it does.

Perth Selection criteria tips: answering questions

If there are 8 questions that you must answer to address the selection criteria, then each of your answers should take approximately half a page. When answering the selection criteria questions, it is important to ensure that you do not waffle. You do not have to give every example that you can think of in your answer. One or two quality crafted answers will give the recruiter the taster that they are looking for, and will insist that you go for an interview where they can explore your examples and your experience in depth and in person. Besides, by not using all your examples, actually gives you something different to talk about during the interview stage.

If you are a little short on experience then you may be tempted to be either too verbose in your answers, or not give the recruiter enough information. This will stand out like the proverbial sore thumb as it will be very obvious to the recruiter that if you finished school last year it is unlikely that you will have managed to gain a lot of real work experience, so relate the points to other areas of your life including school, sporting associations, voluntary work and so on.

So how do you make sure that the answer to questions about selection criteria questions is succinct, to the point and still manages to get the information across to the recruiter? You should always use the STAR method. As you will see when you read the section on answering interview questions, if you remember the STAR method, you will be able to keep your answers on track every time. The SITUATION or TASK that you were facing. The ACTION that you took to resolve the issue and the RESULTS you achieved from the action.

Selection criteria answers take time to create, so please leave yourself plenty of time.

Simply order a gig (pricing button below) and within 24 hours I will contact you by email or phone. We will work together to hone your CV or Resume until you are 100% satisfied. You can then opt for extra services if you need them.

TAGS: best graduate Resume or CV writers Perth, Australia | selection criteria writing services Perth, Australia | job criteria Perth, Australia

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Why Choose Me?

Resume & CV Writing & Advice

Resume, Perth, WA, Australia I do all of the work myself (no writing outsourced overseas or over east). I have ten years experience in a Perth employment agency dealing in general and professional recruitment & Resumes, and I'm both a qualified Marketer and a digital marketer. CVs or Resumes have to market the reasons why you should be invited to an interview, and I know how to portray you in the best light.

Certification and Memberships

I am a founder-member of the UK-based CVRA, which professionally certifies and educates CV and Resume Writers worldwide. Certified Resume Writer